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Eating Disorders And Self-Abuse

Eating Disorders And Self-Abuse

By: Mandie Schreck Over nine percent of Americans (almost 30 million people) have been affected by eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and orthorexia (ANAD, 2021). Most individuals who suffer from eating disorders also have other mental health disorders such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. Many have also suffered abuse. This is...

The Power Of Sharing Your Story

The Power Of Sharing Your Story

By: Eileen Shea It’s not uncommon for abuse victims and survivors to stay silent, even after they’ve escaped their tormentors because of the layered fear that exists in sharing their stories. Will they be seen as weak to have allowed the abuse to happen? Will they be seen as needy for asking for help? Will...

The Rise Of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

The Rise Of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

BY RASHMI NEGI The COVID-19 outbreak has changed our lives in ways we never could have imagined. According to the World Health Organization, there have been over four million COVID-related deaths worldwide and counting. [1] It has been one of the most challenging times in many of our lives, causing fear of the unknown and...