What Is Narcissistic Abuse?

What Is Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic (Emotional) Abuse is a type of emotional abuse that you may not be familiar with is Narcissistic Abuse where the narcissist projects on to another individual. Narcissistic Abuse is focused primarily on psychological and emotional abuse but other types of narcissistic abuse can be classified under this category to include financial, spiritual, sexual, and physical abuse.

Relationship Types

Narcissistic abuse does not discriminate. This type of abuse can occur in any type of relationship with the workplace, all age groups, spouses and extended family. Much information that you may come across may reveal as this as a personality disorder with psychopathy but the truth is, there is a difference between “good” and “bad” narcissism.

The difference between “Good” and “Bad” narcissists
“Good” narcissists may be able to identify their tendencies of selfishness and work hard to avoid them but as a result of their neurological limitations, they are often deficient in being successful. Whereas, “bad” narcissists do not have any kind of concern or reaction to the impact of their behavior on others and can be seen exhibiting the same qualities as a psychopath. One difference from psychopaths; however, is that “bad narcissists” are in general very insecure and have great concern for how others perceive them.

Where’s The Empathy?

Have you ever been around someone who appeared to be unable to see things from other’s perspectives unless they were prompted in some way to do so? What you may not have known is that narcissists are often times unable to physiologically see things in this way.

Charming Personality

What may really throw you off is that narcissists can be extremely charming. They may lack the ability to empathize with you or others but they can be perceived as very caring people due to their social charm. Narcissists often have a feeling of a God-like entitlement and self-righteousness but yet struggle with insecurity that is often sensitive but deep and crippling. If you find that someone draws people to them but can’t quite put your finger on why, pay attention as this may feigned confidence that can appear authentic.

Being an empath, can often be seen as a blessing and a curse. Empaths are often in relationships with narcissists because of the captivating sense of “false self” they feel from their partner. At first, you find them to be intelligent, kind, generous and giving but later you may see this facade dissipate and a complete shift in personality. Later, they may treat you as if they are disappointed or tired by the empath. This shift in personality can become punishing, cold and calculated, leaving the victim feeling very confused and questioning what they did wrong. Remember, none of this is YOUR fault! This is a personality disorder that has nothing to do with you.

What Should I Do Next?

It is important to remember that not all narcissists are the same as some have the ability to respond to others’ pain appropriately, if prompted. When encouraged to consider a situation with empathy, there is a greater likelihood that will do so than if we just attempt to let them come to that conclusion on their own.

If you are unsure whether you may be in a narcissistic abusive relationship, remember, you are not alone and we are here to help!

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