Narcissistic Parents: How To Heal Or Strengthen The Bond

Narcissistic Parents: How To Heal Or Strengthen The Bond

By: Mandie Schreck Narcissistic Abuse is often correlated with spouses, partners, or even friends, but what if Narcissistic Abuse starts from the day some of us are born? “A narcissistic parent can be defined as someone who lives through, is possessive of, and/or engages in marginalizing competition with the offspring” (Ni, 2016 ). Children and teenagers can be very receptive and impressionable to the standards, views, and influences their parents raise them with. Many children are encouraged to follow their dreams, question things for themselves, and learn about their likes and dislikes as they grow. However, some children are not...

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Healing Begins With Acknowledgement

Healing Begins With Acknowledgement

By: Mandie Schreck What are the first steps in the healing journey for individuals who have been abused? Acknowledging the abuse you’ve experienced and having a clear understanding that you are not the one at fault It can be difficult for many because you may have many underlying fears, regrets, shame, guilt, and questions about self-confidence and strength. Removing yourself from an abusive situation is one of the most challenging steps because of the strength it takes to recognize red flags, then take action to begin a lifelong journey. Healing is never linear, and it can take many years to go...

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ARO Breathes Life

ARO Breathes Life

A Poem By: Josie Nelson Breathe in deep. Expand your lungs. Drop your shoulders. Raise your chest.Exhale s-l-o-w-l-y out your mouth, so you feel wind across your lips.Breathe in. Exhale out. Breathe in. Exhale out.Do you feel lighter? Do you feel brighter?Do you feel that little spark of hope that there’s more to come?More LIFE. More healing. More space to grow, not just upwards, but outwards.Up and out to reach as many as you can. Imagine a lotus flower. A symbol of regeneration. Enlightenment. Rebirth.A lotus flower starts in the dark, muddy waters growing in many different climates.An aquatic being....

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Abuse Against Men

Abuse Against Men

By: Rashmi Negi We live in a society where young boys are taught not to express emotions and may often feel discouraged to share whatever they are going through in their lives. People commonly talk about women’s abuse but remain hushed when it comes to men. It may happen more often than you expect in heterosexual and same-sex relationships, irrespective of culture, age, or occupation. Usually, it is not talked about because they are embarrassed by it. They may be afraid to report and think nobody would believe them or their partner would take revenge (HelpGuide). Research suggests that men...

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How To Choose A Therapist: What To Look For When Selecting A Perfect Match

How To Choose A Therapist: What To Look For When Selecting A Perfect Match

By: Whitney Derman So you’re considering therapy? I’m proud of you for taking that first step to a healthier and better you! Planning to go to therapy is a great step; however, not every therapist will be perfect for you. Finding your ideal match can be the make-it-or-break-it point between successful treatment that will help you grow or wasting time and money. So, here’s how to look for a therapist and what to do from there: Look for therapists that participate with your health insurance. Once you find a list, look up reviews from Psychology Today or other mental health online...

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Eating Disorders And Self-Abuse

Eating Disorders And Self-Abuse

By: Mandie Schreck Over nine percent of Americans (almost 30 million people) have been affected by eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and orthorexia (ANAD, 2021). Most individuals who suffer from eating disorders also have other mental health disorders such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. Many have also suffered abuse. This is why eating disorders have been so difficult to treat because the causes can be from various psychological sources. Orthorexia means an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating and is a very common eating disorder that has not yet been added to the Diagnostic and Statistical...

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The Difference Between Abuse And Bullying

The Difference Between Abuse And Bullying

By: Whitney Derman When I started writing this piece, my first thought was, “How is bullying not a type of abuse?” Both involve a person who considers themselves stronger picking on a person they consider weaker. However, after coming across the following definition of the two words, it is easy to see the difference: “Bullying: Bullying refers to the act of intimidating a weaker person.Abuse: Abuse refers to all forms of ill-treatment of an individual or entity.” (Difference Between). Although a victim of abuse may be made to feel small or weak through the endured abuse, unlike bullying, abuse does...

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ARO Celebrates World Kindness Day

ARO Celebrates World Kindness Day

By: Josie Nelson I’ve always loved the quote, “Throw kindness around like confetti.” It just brings a smile to my face thinking about how simple kindness and inspiring others can be. World Kindness Day (WKD) occurs each year on November 13th, with its primary goal to “help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together” (Inspire Kindness). World Kindness Day is observed in countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia. It was first introduced in 1998 and has consistently launched in many places as part of the World Kindness Movement group....

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Love Bombing: A Case Study In Irony

Love Bombing: A Case Study In Irony

By: N.M. Bialko The term “love bombing” has become a part of our everyday vernacular and is often used to describe the beginning of what will ultimately become a toxic or emotionally abusive relationship. Moving too fast in a relationship has always been regarded as a potential “red flag,” but love bombing takes that idea to a whole new level. Love bombing is a form of control and abuse. It turns love into a weapon, and the grand gestures are, in reality — manipulations. What is love bombing? The action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially to...

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ARO’s Guide For Peace During The Holidays

ARO’s Guide For Peace During The Holidays

By: Josie Nelson The holidays can bring such a whirlwind of emotions and expectations that can be difficult to manage. On one hand, you could be feeling excited about traditions and upcoming family gatherings. On the other hand, you could be nervous and even fearful of being hurt or triggered by past experiences. These seemingly contradictory feelings can make it that much harder to navigate the celebrations to come and can leave you doubting the joy of the season. At ARO, we want to help create more PEACE than dread this upcoming holiday season. We’ve made an acrostic poem for...

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