Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

By: Rashmi Negi Elder Abuse is an act that causes harm to people ages 60 and above. It can include Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial, or Sexual Abuse and neglect. The abuse can be caused by spouses, family members, caregivers, nursing homes, living shelters, or a person the elder trusts. Elder abuse is one of the most common problems existing in our society. One in every ten older adults has experienced some form of abuse (Elder Abuse, 2021). Forms of Elder Abuse Physical Abuse: The intent to physically harm by hitting, pushing, or slapping and causing pain, injury, or physical illness to...

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Grieving The Loss Of An Abuser

Grieving The Loss Of An Abuser

By: Cali Robins The feeling of loss or grief is an intimate emotion to have. Often, people grieve the loss of people in their lives, immediate family members, and loved ones. What happens when one finds themselves grieving for someone who abused them? It’s a complicated subject to tackle, and it can make the abused person feel untethered from the progress they have made. How can the loss of someone who mistreated you make you feel so sad? This mixture of emotions is okay, and it’s pertinent to face it head-on. There is no sweeping it under the rug, and...

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Celebrity Abuse: Free Britney Spears

Celebrity Abuse: Free Britney Spears

By: Whitney Derman Many child-stars have sued their parents for using them for money, stealing it for themselves, and using their minor status against them. However, what happens when an adult is stripped of their earnings and denied any personal freedoms? This is precisely what has been happening to Britney Spears for the past 13 years. Deeming her mentally insane and unable to make her own choices, Spears was under a permanent conservatorship controlled by her father in late 2008 following a public mental breakdown (Picheta, 2021). Under the conservatorship, she is required to perform and tour without her consent...

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The Effects Of Bullying In The Workplace And At School

The Effects Of Bullying In The Workplace And At School

By: Mandie Schreck We have all heard or experienced some form of bullying on the playground at recess or in the hallways of our high school. We think maybe bullying and taunting will subside as we grow into adulthood, but bullies often follow us into the workforce. The major difference between bullying in schools and the workplace is that in schools, it is more ingrained and put into legal policy and legislation than workplace bullying (Badzmierowski, 2015). Schools typically have policies against bullying and will take action when offenses are made. Workplaces, however, may not do anything about bullying until Human Resources...

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Spiritual Abuse In The Mind And In The Church

Spiritual Abuse In The Mind And In The Church

By: Mandie Schreck Gathering with those who hold like-minded spiritual beliefs is supposed to be a safe haven to worship with your loved ones, community, and congregation. For many years, abuse in the church has been a sensitive topic and gained even more momentum with the “Me Too” movement that has helped individuals come forward with their stories. To illustrate this, “the number of allegations of Catholic clergy sex abuse of minors more than quadrupled in 2019 compared to the average in the previous five years,”(Boorstein, 2020). Sexual Abuse and misconduct in the church are as prevalent as they were...

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Street Harassment

Street Harassment

By: Lauren Jacques Is street harassment really that big of a deal? It’s just a compliment, right? You’ve probably heard something along those lines before. Of course, it isn’t just a compliment; that’s why it’s called harassment. It is unwarranted, and it can cause all kinds of problems. Street harassment must stop. In the book Friends with Benefits: Rethinking Friendship, Dating & Violence, Shahla Khan states that speaking up against street harassment “is about making sure that everyone has the right to enjoy that spring breeze, golden clouds, and chirping without feeling uncomfortable.” Nobody deserves to be harassed. What Is...

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Narcissism And Aggression

Narcissism And Aggression

By: Rashmi Negi A narcissistic person is defined as self-inflated and thinks of themself as a better person than others. As human beings, it’s healthy to have some self-worth, but narcissists have far more than others. People with high narcissism think they deserve special treatment because of their supposed superiority. They don’t seem to be familiar with terms like “humility” or “compassion.” Without care for others, aggression and behavior with intent to harm others can become an issue. Is There A Connection?The American Psychological Association’s meta-analytic review examined a link between narcissism and aggression. A total of 437 studies involving over...

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Domestic Violence Vs. Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic Violence Vs. Intimate Partner Violence

By: Lauren Jacques Depending on whom you ask, Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence may be regarded as the same thing: abuse in a romantic relationship. However, others may reserve the term “Intimate Partner Violence” for this definition and use “Domestic Violence” as a broader term for abuse that occurs in the home. Under this second definition, Domestic Violence can include Child Abuse and Elder Abuse, as well as abuse from roommates or other people in the home. Intimate Partner Violence can include violence in non-married relationships. Ron Wallace’s article “Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence: What’s the Difference?” states:...

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Financial Abuse: Signs And Warnings

Financial Abuse: Signs And Warnings

By: Whitney Derman Financial abuse is not talked about nearly enough. It is both terrible on its own and serves to make any other form of abuse worse. This is because it’s a common way for abusers to trap their victims. For example, let’s say someone is being sexually abused by their spouse; getting out of a relationship like that can be scary. But when financial abuse is at play as well, the victim may have no means of getting out of the situation on their own. (Kippert, 2021) Financial abuse, in simple terms, is the act of stealing or...

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How To Document Abuse

How To Document Abuse

By: Rashmi Negi It is difficult to come to terms emotionally when you are being abused. However, it is crucial to understand the pattern of your partner’s behavior. When in love, it can be challenging to identify and distinguish between typical relationship problems, when you are being controlled, or even when you are being manipulated. If your partner is violent, it is a clear sign, but emotional or verbal abuse is more subtle and complicated. Write it DownIf you are being abused, it is suggested to notate everything in a notebook. Whenever your partner or abuser is causing you turmoil,...

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