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ARO Breathes Life

ARO Breathes Life

A Poem By: Josie Nelson Breathe in deep. Expand your lungs. Drop your shoulders. Raise your chest.Exhale s-l-o-w-l-y out your mouth, so you feel wind across your lips.Breathe in. Exhale out. Breathe in. Exhale out.Do you feel lighter? Do you feel brighter?Do you feel that little spark of hope that there’s more to come?More LIFE....

Spousal Abuse

Spousal Abuse

BY DAISY MORALES Spousal abuse, also called domestic abuse or intimate partner abuse, can include physical, psychological, and financial abuse perpetrated by a spousal/domestic/intimate partner against the people they should care for. Spousal abuse often begins with incidents such as screaming, slapping, or pushing that may seem innocuous or a one-time occurrence, but progressively develop...

Lessons From Norm Therapy™

Lessons From Norm Therapy™

BY LAUREN JACQUES Kelly Dehn, Cofounder of ARO, has been able to help those in abusive situations because of her own life experience. After reaching what she refers to as the lowest point of her life, suffering abuse after abuse, Dehn was introduced to by Michael Gibson, Cofounder; and eventually began, what is now known...

Follow Your ARO: Where We Are Vs. Where We Are Going

Follow Your ARO: Where We Are Vs. Where We Are Going

Follow Your ARO: Where We Are Vs. Where We Are Going BY ALLISON WINTERS Abuse Refuge Organization (ARO) is constantly changing as a non-profit organization. To set goals and benchmarks for growth and progress, ARO uses a strategic phase plan. In the current phase, Phase II, our focus is on awareness and funding. By onboarding...