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Shifts In Cultural Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence Through The Last Century

Shifts In Cultural Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence Through The Last Century

By: Whitney Derman Although it’s been a century since the women’s suffrage movement gave women the privilege to vote in the USA, it was not until the 1970s that women’s rights activists made some headway with combating domestic violence. In the 1960s, literature on Spousal Abuse towards women was virtually non-existent. The only sources that...

Domestic Violence Vs. Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic Violence Vs. Intimate Partner Violence

By: Lauren Jacques Depending on whom you ask, Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence may be regarded as the same thing: abuse in a romantic relationship. However, others may reserve the term “Intimate Partner Violence” for this definition and use “Domestic Violence” as a broader term for abuse that occurs in the home. Under this...

How Domestic Abuse Affects The Family

How Domestic Abuse Affects The Family

By: Whitney Derman Domestic Abuse affects everyone in the family, not just the victim.  Although this piece will only mention a few examples, it is important to know “Abusers can be intimate partners, spouses, parents, siblings, or other household members, and they do not need to share a living space with their target in order...

How To Get Out Of An Abusive Situation

How To Get Out Of An Abusive Situation

By: Rashmi Negi It can be hard to come to terms emotionally with the fact that you are being abused and even harder to muster the courage to get out of an abusive situation. We know it’s a difficult and long process, and it’s okay if you feel lost at times. If you’re unsure about...

The Rise Of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

The Rise Of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

BY RASHMI NEGI The COVID-19 outbreak has changed our lives in ways we never could have imagined. According to the World Health Organization, there have been over four million COVID-related deaths worldwide and counting. [1] It has been one of the most challenging times in many of our lives, causing fear of the unknown and...

Spousal Abuse

Spousal Abuse

BY DAISY MORALES Spousal abuse, also called domestic abuse or intimate partner abuse, can include physical, psychological, and financial abuse perpetrated by a spousal/domestic/intimate partner against the people they should care for. Spousal abuse often begins with incidents such as screaming, slapping, or pushing that may seem innocuous or a one-time occurrence, but progressively develop...