Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

By: Rashmi Negi

Elder Abuse is an act that causes harm to people ages 60 and above. It can include Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Financial, or Sexual Abuse and neglect. The abuse can be caused by spouses, family members, caregivers, nursing homes, living shelters, or a person the elder trusts. Elder abuse is one of the most common problems existing in our society. One in every ten older adults has experienced some form of abuse (Elder Abuse, 2021).

Forms of Elder Abuse

Physical Abuse: The intent to physically harm by hitting, pushing, or slapping and causing pain, injury, or physical illness to the elder. It can be as devasting as a physical attack which can shake a person to the core, leaving them with irreparable damage.

Emotional or Psychological Abuse: The abuser can speak ill or act in a manner that can trouble and evoke anger, distress, anxiety, or make an elder sad, destroying the peace in their life. Suppose an elder is abandoned or isolated by family members, caregivers, or even a person they trust; it can break their self-esteem and sense of safety and security. Even Physical Abuse can lead to emotional distress or traumas that can scar a person emotionally and physically.

Financial Abuse: The ill intention of confiscating an elder’s money, property, belongings, or other assets or the illegal and unauthorized use of an elder’s benefits, property, belongings, or additional support for someone else’s use. The abuse can happen at the hands of family members, caregivers, nursing homes, or other facilities. An elder is more vulnerable to sickness or declining health because they are unlikely to take a stand unless they have support. Elders become easy victims in such cases as they may not be well enough to challenge it.

Sexual Abuse: An elder is forced to form sexual relations or be involved in a sexual act against their will.

Neglect: When the family members, spouses, caregivers, or other support fail to care for an elder, their needs such as food, housing, personal hygiene, clothing, and essential medical care are neglected (Elder Abuse, 2021).

If you know anyone who has been affected by Elder Abuse, reach out to Eldercare Locator at 1–800–677–1116. They are specially trained officers who will direct you to a local agency for assistance.

ARO offers a safe space for abuse survivors to come together, share their experiences, and provide and receive support. Visit GoARO.org to learn more about ARO, and please consider donating to help support us.

“Elder Abuse.” (June 2, 2021). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/elderabuse/fastfact.html

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