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Nicole Leonard

NTIS L6A - Norm Therapist®

Nicole Leonard is an NTIS-L6A who graduated as part of the second ever cohort in March of 2022. Nicole has a bachelor’s degree in art therapy from Lesley University and is currently pursuing a masters degree in forensic psychology. Nicole also had the pleasure of receiving the award of honor graduate for her Norm Therapy graduation. She went on to be involved in following Norm Therapy training as a mentor to new NTIS candidates, before being promoted to Norm Therapy® Sr. HR Supervisor. Nicole has past experiences working with autistic children as a behavioral therapist as well as an art therapist for an inpatient psychiatric unit at Boston Children’s Hospital. Nicole also holds a role in ARO as the HR Hiring Manager overseeing recruitment and hiring processes. She is passionate about working in the abuse care community and being able to help those in need get a hand up.