Home / Tumelo Modise

Tumelo Modise

NTIS L3 - Norm Therapist®

My name is Tumelo Modise, NTIS-L3 I have a degree in Public Relations and Communication.  During the process of completing my qualifications, I ran for SRC and made the Top 8, and received the Profilo of Academics holder for the 2019/2020 academic year.  I fell in love with volunteering from the first year of tertiary education, and volunteered for different organizations, namely: Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa, Lerato Safe House, Free Me from Cancer, Ikageng Disable Organisation, just to name a few.

I am from the Morokweng Village in the Northwest Province, South Africa.  I was the only girl amongst boys growing up and had to fight for a seat at the table, whereby she had to challenge herself that she can do anything.

Tumelo’s skills include problem solving skills, creativity, critical thinking, and analytical skills.  She is accessible, trustworthy, engaging and has a friendly disposition.

I am available Monday – Friday WAT in the evenings.