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Digital Abuse: How Our Devices Can Be Used Against Us

Digital Abuse: How Our Devices Can Be Used Against Us

Technology and its societal role have changed drastically over the last 20 years. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other commonly used technology provide convenience, putting the world at our fingertips. But what happens when that technology is used to abuse others?

The Difference Between Abuse And Bullying

The Difference Between Abuse And Bullying

By: Whitney Derman When I started writing this piece, my first thought was, “How is bullying not a type of abuse?” Both involve a person who considers themselves stronger picking on a person they consider weaker. However, after coming across the following definition of the two words, it is easy to see the difference: “Bullying:...

Love Bombing: A Case Study In Irony

Love Bombing: A Case Study In Irony

By: N.M. Bialko The term “love bombing” has become a part of our everyday vernacular and is often used to describe the beginning of what will ultimately become a toxic or emotionally abusive relationship. Moving too fast in a relationship has always been regarded as a potential “red flag,” but love bombing takes that idea...