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Healing Begins With Acknowledgement

Healing Begins With Acknowledgement

By: Mandie Schreck What are the first steps in the healing journey for individuals who have been abused? Acknowledging the abuse you’ve experienced and having a clear understanding that you are not the one at fault It can be difficult for many because you may have many underlying fears, regrets, shame, guilt, and questions about self-confidence...

Time To Set Healthy Boundaries

Time To Set Healthy Boundaries

By: Rashmi Negi A person in a healthy relationship trusts their partner the most and feels secure in their presence. However, this can easily change when things fall between the cracks that result in misunderstandings, disagreements, arguments, and other issues in a relationship. There are ways to mend and work toward a healthy relationship, but...

Signs Of Spousal Abuse

Signs Of Spousal Abuse

By: Rashmi Negi Spousal Abuse is also known as Domestic Violence and is perpetrated by one of the partners in an intimate relationship. It can consist of Physical, Sexual, Emotional, and/or Financial Abuse. Spousal Abuse is harmful as the abuser uses hurtful words or behaviors to control their spouse. Look Out for These SignsIf you...

How Domestic Abuse Affects The Family

How Domestic Abuse Affects The Family

By: Whitney Derman Domestic Abuse affects everyone in the family, not just the victim.  Although this piece will only mention a few examples, it is important to know “Abusers can be intimate partners, spouses, parents, siblings, or other household members, and they do not need to share a living space with their target in order...

Spousal Abuse

Spousal Abuse

BY DAISY MORALES Spousal abuse, also called domestic abuse or intimate partner abuse, can include physical, psychological, and financial abuse perpetrated by a spousal/domestic/intimate partner against the people they should care for. Spousal abuse often begins with incidents such as screaming, slapping, or pushing that may seem innocuous or a one-time occurrence, but progressively develop...