Cofounder of Abuse Refuge Org - First person ever having gone through Norm Therapy®
Workplace Abuse

Workplace Abuse
Organizational or Workplace Abuse is when an employee or volunteer experiences harm, violence, incivility, bullying, etc. from other employees or their employer. This abuse can occur directly or indirectly from others by using their power or control of aspects in the company. One example of indirect abuse would be a manager withholding pay or not providing an adequate workspace for an employee to do their job due to a desire to control or punish. Direct workplace abuse could be bullying or aggression in one-on-one settings and/or group settings. Organizational abuse can also be a systemic issue where the company’s policies and/or culture create a toxic workplace for one or more employees. These policies and procedures could unfairly reward and punish groups of people or persons for actions that are out of their control or target individuals to make them more vulnerable to harassment or mistreatment.
3 Common Workplace Abuses
Three of the more common forms of organizational abuse are bullying, incivility, and aggression. Incivility is interpreted as the lowest intensity of abuse and can include being excluded from strategic work groups or being avoided. Bullying and non-violent aggression are between the intensity levels of incivility and violent aggression, as it is the most extreme form of abuse (Yang, et al., p. 315, 2014). In 2019, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that “20, 870 workers in private industry experienced trauma from nonfatal workplace violence” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021) Each of these employees required multiple days off from work, “21% required 31 or more days away from work to recover, and 20% involved 3 to 5 days away from work” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021) The majority of those victims were women, coming to 68% of the total, and 65% of the victims were between the age of 25-54. This age range makes sense, as they make up most of the workforce. The industry with the highest amount of incidents was in healthcare and social assistance, coming to a whopping 70% (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021).
Today’s Toxic Work Environments
These numbers provide a view of how toxic some work environments have become; however, these numbers were all pre-Covid pandemic levels. According to a study done in an emergency department, the rate of violence in the workplace increased during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. These rates were in the forms of verbal abuse, including threatening and harassment, physical assault, including the use of weapons, bodily fluids (being spit on), or from punching, biting, kicking, etc. (McGuire, et al., 2021).
Workplace Abuse Exist On Every Continent
Throughout the past few years (2020-2022), an increase in violence and incivility has been felt in more industries than just healthcare, the airline industry being a poignant example. While most of those incidents of violence are from customer to employee, cases of employer or employee to employee workplace violence or abuse are prevalent. If you or someone you know feels they are being mistreated at work, they should reach out to a trusted authority immediately. Organizational abuse can result in life-long trauma and should be treated as equally as other forms of abuse. While many employees fear retaliation or fear of not finding another job, there are ways to get out of this abuse without losing respect, dignity, or financial security.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, August 11). Occupational violence – fast facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved May 7, 2022, from McGuire, S. S., Gazley, B., Majerus, A. C., Mullan, A. F., & Clements, C. M. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workplace violence at an academic emergency department. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 53. Yang, L.Q., Caughlin, D. E., Gazica, M. W., Truxillo, D. M., & Spector, P. E. (2014). Workplace mistreatment climate and potential employee and organizational outcomes: A meta-analytic review from the target’s perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19(3), 315-335.
Michael Gibson
CEO & Chairman - Norm Therapy®
Cofounder of Abuse Refuge Org and the Creator of Norm Therapy®
Abhinaya Ravi
NTIS L3 - Norm Therapist®
Educational background is in Political Science, History, and Global Studies, I am a Norm Therapist® L3