Cofounder of Abuse Refuge Org - First person ever having gone through Norm Therapy®
Government Contracting

Government Contracting
The processes of government procurement in the United States enable federal, state and local government bodies in the United States to acquire goods, services (including construction), and interests in real property.
In fiscal year 2019, the US Federal Government spent $597bn on contracts. The market for state, local, and education (SLED) contracts is thought to be worth $1.5 trillion. Contracts for federal government procurement usually involve appropriated funds spent on supplies, services, and interests in real property by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies, services, or interests are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Federal Government contracting has the same legal elements as contracting between private parties: a lawful purpose, competent contracting parties, an offer, an acceptance that complies with the terms of the offer, mutuality of obligation, and consideration. However, federal procurement is much more heavily regulated, subject to volumes of statutes dealing with Federal contracts and the Federal contracting process, mostly in Titles 10, 31, 40, and 41 of the United States Code.
Business Opportunities
Norm Therapy® is a preliminary step to patients interacting with licensed therapists, clinicians, doctors, police officers, social workers, and the like. Contract Entity will initially be using Norm Therapy® services by utilizing certified Norm Therapists® to assist individuals looking to access abuse care and require aid in determining which type of provider could best service them and what options they have available to them within their state and at their means.
Focus Segments
Norm Therapy® is available to private entities as well as exclusively through, the non-profit Abuse Refuge Org, a 501(c)(3) designation. Its government contract is only one facet of the scope and breadth of Norm Therapy®, please navigate elsewhere on our website to learn more.
Our Services
The Contract Entity of Norm Therapy® with the priority of providing both acute and chronic abuse care to those who firstly receive care from the state including veterans, the elderly, those with either physical, mental, or developmental impairments, and those enrolled in state health insurance plans. Norm Therapists will also be available for government and state employees to utilize with the intent of preventing and addressing abuse with an emphasis on–but not limited to–workplace abuse. Initially, Norm Therapy® and its services will service the Contract Entity and its subsidiary bodies in the following states/municipalities/areas of service. With time and practice, Norm Therapy® will expand to aid the following states/municipalities/areas of service focusing on a variety of abuse related areas.
Our NTIS Certified – Norm Therapists®
Our Mission Is To Define and Ameliorate The Abuse Care Industry
Michael Gibson
CEO & Chairman - Norm Therapy®
Cofounder of Abuse Refuge Org and the Creator of Norm Therapy®
Abhinaya Ravi
NTIS L3 - Norm Therapist®
Educational background is in Political Science, History, and Global Studies, I am a Norm Therapist® L3