Magda Horanin, NTIS-L3, has a Master degree in Design. She is a Polish-raised, Portugal-based multidisciplinary freelancer with a passion for mental health, equality, and social justice. Magda is a strong believer in work-life balance.
A few years ago, she quit her job at a creative agency and started a journey that changed her life. Since then, Magda has worked and lived in several countries across Asia and Europe. Her curiosity and openness to learning and serving others led her to collaborate with nonprofit organizations from Laos, Thailand, and the United States, which focus on social justice, human rights, and women’s and economic empowerment.
Professionally, Magda is focused on problem-solving, building meaningful connections and asking the right questions to get to the bottom of the problem. She is highly empathetic, and a straightforward communicator who creates space for people to be themselves.
Magda graduated from the NTIS Training Program in December 2022 with distinction for the Best Interviewer of her cohort. Additionally, she is an NTIS Recruiter who seeks passionate people to join the Norm Therapy® Intake Specialist Program.
She is available from Tuesday to Thursday during regular working hours, UTC time zone.