Homelessness remains a significant social issue affecting millions of individuals worldwide. However, while various programs exist to support specific groups within the homeless population—such as women, children, and families—single men, who constitute the majority of the unhoused population, often face unique challenges in accessing assistance.
Category: Blog
The Vagabond: Those Who Choose to Live Outside Society—and the Abuse They Face
When we think of homelessness, we often imagine people who have fallen into hard times, struggling with job loss, mental health challenges, or housing insecurity. However, there is another kind of homeless population that does not fit this narrative. These are the vagabonds—the people who do not just end up outside of society but actively choose to live there. They are not looking for reintegration, a stable job, or a permanent home. Instead, they carve out their own paths, resisting societal norms and living on the fringes by choice.
Law Enforcement and the Abuse of Power: Police Misconduct and Your Rights
Police misconduct, often perceived through the lens of media portrayals of excessive force and unnecessary shootings, is a serious issue. The advent of smartphone recording has exposed instances of officers abusing their power and violating civil rights. While the majority of officers serve their communities honorably, the actions of some undermine public trust.
Abuse In Prisons: Speaking Up For Incarcerated Individuals
There are currently 2.3 million people in the United States prison system, the highest number of any country in the world. Physical and Sexual Abuse by inmates and prison staff occurs frequently. It can have lasting effects on Victims, increasing the rate of recurring crimes, mental health issues, and psychological and physical effects.
Reporting for Change: How Media Coverage Can Impact Child Abuse Prevention
Did you know that roughly 1 in 7 children experience abuse or neglect? While media portrayals of child abuse can sometimes perpetuate harmful stereotypes or sensationalize the issue, they have also been instrumental in raising public awareness and prompting political action. The media has played a key role in shaping societal understanding of Child Abuse, defining what is considered normal behavior and what constitutes abuse.
Defending the Vulnerable: Protecting At-Risk Populations from Abuse
Abuse and violence are widely recognized as public health concerns. Abuse and violence occur in a broad range of relationships. Violence disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. We have to protect children, elders, and other vulnerable populations from abuse.
The Dangers of Elderly Abuse in Care Homes
Elderly Abuse in care homes is a pressing issue that poses significant dangers to some of society's most vulnerable individuals. As the global population ages, more people are entrusted to care homes, where they should receive the respect, compassion, and professional care they deserve. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
The Role of Mandated Reporters In Combating Abuse: How They Save Lives
Anyone can be a Victim of abuse. While everyone should be concerned about abuse and neglect, certain individuals are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect.
Abuse of Power In the Workplace: Why It Happens and What We Can Do To Prevent It
In today’s workplace environments, abuse of power has become a critical issue impacting the well-being of employees and the organization. Instances of mistreatment perpetrated by those in positions of authority have raised concern for the urgent need to address power imbalances and create workplace cultures that focus on safety and respect.
Understanding PTSD and Domestic Abuse Within Marriage
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing traumatic events (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2018).