Spousal Abuse

Spousal Abuse


Spousal abuse, also called domestic abuse or intimate partner abuse, can include physical, psychological, and financial abuse perpetrated by a spousal/domestic/intimate partner against the people they should care for. Spousal abuse often begins with incidents such as screaming, slapping, or pushing that may seem innocuous or a one-time occurrence, but progressively develop into continuous, more threatening abuse.

Even when spousal abuse becomes more habitual, abusers will continue to deny their responsibility, opting instead to blame the victim’s behavior. They also may blame their own actions on outside influences, such as alcohol or stress. If abusers do apologize for their behavior, it is often because they are using the apology as a tool of abuse. They hope that their apologies will convince victims to stay in the relationship so that they can continue to abuse them. Remember, apologies never justify violence or the abuser.

It may seem extremely hard to leave an abuser—in fact, this is what the abuser wants one to believe—but remember that you are not alone. Abuse Refuge Org provides a variety of services, and if you are feeling in immediate danger, contact emergency services as soon as possible. We plan to expand our services, but we can’t do this without your support. Please consider donating to Abuse Refuge Org to help us provide critical services to abuse survivors.

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