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The Dangers of Elderly Abuse in Care Homes

The Dangers of Elderly Abuse in Care Homes

Elderly Abuse in care homes is a pressing issue that poses significant dangers to some of society's most vulnerable individuals. As the global population ages, more people are entrusted to care homes, where they should receive the respect, compassion, and professional care they deserve. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The Ripple Effect of Financial Abuse on Young Lives

The Ripple Effect of Financial Abuse on Young Lives

Child Financial Abuse at its core involves the inappropriate use of a child's identity or assets for personal gain. Financial Abuse is a form of mistreatment often overshadowed by its physical and emotional counterparts, which wields a silent yet devastating impact on children

Digital Abuse: How Our Devices Can Be Used Against Us

Digital Abuse: How Our Devices Can Be Used Against Us

Technology and its societal role have changed drastically over the last 20 years. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other commonly used technology provide convenience, putting the world at our fingertips. But what happens when that technology is used to abuse others?

Domestic Violence Around The World

Domestic Violence Around The World

Domestic Violence can affect anyone, but how it manifests itself may be different depending on the setting in which it occurs. Societal acceptance within a culture can play a large role in the survivor’s decision to leave an abusive situation. Societal acceptance of Domestic Violence is widespread among many developing countries, with 36% of people believing it is justified in certain situations (University of Bristol, 2018).

The Consequences of Rape on Survivors

The Consequences of Rape on Survivors

Rape is a heinous crime that leaves scars on its survivors, both physically and psychologically. The aftermath of sexual assault can be seen through every aspect of a survivor's life, altering their sense of self, relationships, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the profound consequences of rape and shed light on the pain endured by Survivors.

The Effect of Narcissistic Abuse on Adult Victims

The Effect of Narcissistic Abuse on Adult Victims

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-importance and a constant need for admiration. Narcissists often lack empathy, and their actions can have profound effects on adults in various aspects of their lives (Mitra, P., & Fluyau, D., 2023). 

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